Wednesday 14 March 2012

Keeping a record...

Here I kept a clear record of the notes I took from all the sessions I had with my supervisor. This has helped me to stay firmly on track throughout the project, as I kept referring to these notes in case I forgot anything important to do. It has also helped me to manage my time efficiently.

Appointment date
Outcome (From notes)
- Not sure about topic choice and what I could do for the project
- How long do I have to decide on a topic?
The topic can be about anything that I’m interested in. Maybe doing some research can help me decide. It will also be useful to choose a topic related to my studies and future studies in university.
I could either produce an artefact and a small report plus presentation or a report (5000 words) and a presentation. 
- I want to talk about neurodegeneration and it’s disorders: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and ALS. Is this an appropriate topic choice and how do I structure my title?

- Yes I could write about the different neurodegenerative conditions and how Neurodegeneration affects the brain.
-Title: Neurodegeneration, impact and prognosis: An investigation into the effects of neurodegenerative conditions on the brain and what treatment is available.

-Can I post new information I find on my blog and what sort of things do I need to include?
- How often do I need to post a comment?
- Remember to update my blog regularly, at least twice a week
- Post a comment called ‘bibliography’ with the references for all the sources I use.
- I could write about the new information I find but I need to reference it.
- I could also post my title and initial ideas.
- I don’t think it’s going to be easy comparing 3 neurodegenerative diseases. I’m not sure what I can do.
- I also don’t know what my focus point is.
- I could work on 1 neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s and compare the treatments available.
- So my focus point will be comparing the treatments for PD and as a conclusion finding the most effective form of treatment.
- I want write a bit about research projects for PD how could I incorporate this in my report?
- Also I’d like to write about possible future treatments for PD, such as stem cell therapy as they could become a potential cure for PD.
- Use the information obtained from research projects to support my argument on the different type of treatments available for PD.
- Also what research projects are doing for future treatments e.g. gene therapy. This could be a cure once researchers find ways to unlock the other barriers that prevent the complete success of alleviating PD symptoms.
Show my work so far and ask for advice.
- Advised me to keep a record of my progress.
Ask what I could do to improve report
- Find information from a variety of sources e.g. books, articles, magazines, news, internet, blogs etc.
- What is the presentation based upon?
- Is there a specific layout/structure the presentation needs to be in?
- Don’t worry about the presentation at this stage. First complete the report.
- The presentation is based upon the planning of the project and evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of my learning etc.
- Still confused about my focus point such as how I am supposed to structure my argument. So I’ll show an example to my supervisor
- She approved of the example I wrote Which is to back my ideas with evidence from research projects.
- How am I supposed to structure my references?
-  My supervisor gave me a short guide on using the Harvard Referencing System. It has examples on how to reference different sources.
Ask for any handouts that could help me with planning.
- She gave me a layout plan for the presentation.
- What to include for report introduction.
- Describe my choice of title and explain how I developed my ideas (I also have to change my title since I changed my focus point)
- Check my report introduction with my supervisor
- Start with a rationale and include why I have chosen to focus on Parkinson's and use secondary research rather than primary. Also write why I felt research into research projects about Parkinson's is important.
- Showed the sources I used and how I referenced them
- References are good, but I could still find more information from different sources other than internet and books to show a deeper understanding of the issues around Parkinson’s disease and it’s treatments.
- Check my completed report to make final adjustments
- I could asses the references I used
- Reduce the words to 5000
- Add page numbers.
- Write an abstract, 150 words long
- Add an appendix page and move the drug table to that page. Also add a record of the Google calendar I used for planning and a copy of my blog.
- Should I make a poster about PD?
-Yes. But include interesting and informative information about PD.

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